Perhaps one of the most important and overlooked areas of an IT system is backups. As IT professionals in Bangkok, we often get calls at our office from companies that have had a server crash or a serious virus or malware infection. One of our questions is always about what kind of backups the company has. If the answer to that question is, “We don’t have a backup” then recovery is much harder or in some cases impossible. In this case, an ounce of prevention is always worth a pound of cure.

Compass IT Solutions can design and implement a backup system to fit your needs and budget. Contact us to set up a Free Consultation.

Types of Backup

There are quite a number of backup types and terms used when it comes to backups of your digital content. Backups can be stored locally or in the cloud, however, we suggest using two different sites to ensure security and redundancy.

Find out the different types of backups HERE.

Compass IT’s consultants can help you decide the best backup strategy for your data to ensure your business flow is uninterrupted.

Call us for a consultation.

Choosing the most appropriate data storage and data backup services

Find out here.